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Applications can be made in Japanese or English till April 15th, 2025 (24.00 GMT) including:


1 residency project/research proposal should be submitted in a PDF file of under 10MB, and should not exceed 3 pages. Supporting materials: sketches, drawings, links to video clips, or any other supporting documents for the proposal are welcomed, but not mandatory.


1 CV (3 pages max) (file of under 10MB)


5 - 10 images of recent work/research, or video or audio links, in a PDF file under 15 Mb





MA Umi Residencies is not results-driven. Residents have a possibility to present their work though an exhibition, a performance, a workshop or lead a similar event during their stay.  The minimum requirement is a public presentation of their past research work and residency reflexion to the local community.


We also encourage intercultural collaborations with our network of local partners and contacts, as appropriate to each resident’s particular interests. 


Professionals and students are invited to apply. We are open to a wide range of disciplines, such as: architecture, geography, geology, oceanography, etc and all art mediums including drawing, installation, painting, printmaking, sculpture, sound, film, writing, culinary, wearables, etc. Artists of all nationalities are welcome, however, artists will be responsible for obtaining their own visa (with a supporting letter from us). Duo are welcome. Applicants must be over the age of twenty one and have previous work available for review in a digital format (see above).


Residencies are short term and operate as a seed. In time a new community of residents is created and encouraged to be back to the island for future projects.


April 15th, 2025 - Open Call deadline 


Early May 2025 - Announcement by email of the result for the 3 selected residents 


October to December 2025 - Sith residency period


Applicants can choose the following residency period - Tuesday // Tuesday


In either October / November / December


Application fee 9600 JPY (about 60 USD/ 60 EUR).


The entry fee guarantees participation, but it does not guarantee selection.


If not selected for this round, applicants will receive a waiver code to apply for the next period in Spring 2026.


The non-refundable application fee is due at the time of submitting a completed application is only accepted online via the APPLY button. 


Fees related to transport to Ishigaki, visa processes or passport acquisition are the responsibility of the awarded residents.


We also recommend residents to apply for extra funding and have a viable health, travel and liability insurance.


Ma Umi Residencies will provide the necessary documents to apply for funding or scholarship.


Our accounts are certfied by Tohbaru Yohkoh Tax Accounting Office, Ishigaki, Japan


MA Umi Residencies will confirm receipt of the submitted application. Each will be reviewed by a panel of professionals, such as curators, academics, and/or critics (see selection committee). The application review process consists of an online review followed by an on-site panel meeting with a rotating member of the committee The review process takes 2 weeks from the application deadline. Notifications to all applicants will be sent via email after the selection committee panel has made its final decision.


Yuko Kanda

Co-founder of Shanti Garden (Nosoko, Ishigaki)


Tatsuhiro Rodoriguez Sato

Artist and co-founder of Mauna Kekai with Rumi Sato (Nosoko, Ishigaki)


Robin Peckham

Independent curator and writer, co-director of Taipei Dangdai (Taipei, Taiwan)


Mara Sartore 

Co-founder and director of Lightboxgroup, editor in chief of My Art Guides (Venice, Italy)


Wataru Shinji

Designer and co-founder of Lily Zhang and Wataru Shinji Limited (Hong Kong)



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