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MUR001 + 海辺の生命主義












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Alban Mannisiはランドスケープ・アーバニストで、SCAPETHICAL, Built Environment Practice and Research Platform (の創設者兼ディレクター。景観計画における政治的エコロジーの導入と、さまざまな土着の環境媒介を通じた社会的エコロジーの展開に焦点を当てた研究を行っています。最近のプロジェクトや研究は、持続可能な物語のグローバル化と、環境デザインにおける無形の景観構成要素を翻訳するための地域化された市民の抵抗の基礎を解読している。

Haeyoung Jeong は2013年よりWCP(世界心理療法協議会)認定心理療法士、1999年より英国登録アートセラピスト。彼女はジークムント・フロイト大学ウィーン校で心理療法科学博士(Doctor of Psychotherapy Sciences)を取得しました。プラクティショナーとしての国際経験は、エジンバラ、パリ、東京、シンガポール、ソウルに及び、様々な環境で、あらゆる年齢層、多様な文化・社会的背景を持つ人々と共に働いてきた(。

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This series of workshop were completed by Haeyoung at the end of the first week. She led an Art therapy workshop at the Pink Turtle beach to engage participants in meaningful discussions about environmental awareness and our connection to nature through artistic exploration. The objective was to strengthen our connection with the shoreline by gathering shells and drifted objects, and then, through their arrangement, suggest various narratives. Participation was open to everyone, irrespective of artistic abilities.

Alban Mannisi is a Landscape Urbanist, founder and director of SCAPETHICAL, Built Environment Practice and Research Platform. His research focus is on the emerging political ecology implementation in landscape planning and the social ecology deployment through various indigenous environmental mediation. His recent projects and inquiries decipher the globalisation of sustainable narrative and the foundation of localised citizen resistance to translate intangible landscape components in environmental design.

Addressing environmental, social, and spatial injustice, he designs an innovative environmental observation protocol, translating human and non-human conflicts into resilient spaces. To combat the growing complexity of our societies’ environmental construction, he introduces a Political Philosophy of Landscape, enabling ethical design and equitable planning. With a keen interest in interconnected histories and hybrid cultures shaping our surroundings, he has lived, worked, and taught in multiple countries, collaborating with diverse professionals—landscape architects, , architects, urban planners, environmentalists, governmental officers, researchers, and academics.


Haeyoung Jeong is a World Council for Psychotherapy certified psychotherapist since 2013 and British registered art therapist since 1999. She obtained her Doctor of Psychotherapy Sciences from Sigmund Freud University Vienna. Her international experience as a practitioner covers Edinburgh, Paris, Tokyo, Singapore and Seoul where she has worked with a wide range of people of all ages and diverse cultural and societal backgrounds in various settings. 


Her research interests focus on transcultural, historical, hermeneutic study of psychotherapy, cross-cultural (art) psychotherapy, socio-psychological intervention, eco-art therapy, and environmental psychology. Currently, as an independent practitioner and consultant, she practices, teaches, and researches in and around the Asian regions. |

​ MA UMI RESIDENCIESは、自己資金で運営されている非営利の国際的なアーティストと研究者のためのハブ(交流の場)です。滞在中の私たちのゲストは日本、沖縄の石垣島北部を中心に生活や仕事をし、幅広い専門性、学問分野、実践に専念しています。

MA UMI RESIDENCIESは、土地、海、および近隣のコミュニティについて収集、議論、実験する活気あるプラットフォーム(共育の場)を作ることを目的としています。


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