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Looking at the horizon, listening to the tangible experiences and memories of war, or reflecting of an impending conflict, they have broaden their understanding of the regional map. Everyday, their collaboration adhered to a rigorous protocol..  they reached an agreement to select a location that resonates with both islands and established a designated time and specific performance for that place. Immersing themselves in the viewpoints of other homelands and stories, they spun, sang, pooped bubblewrap, reclined on the shoreline… The infrastructure of the port, the statue of heroes, the mangrove provided the backdrop for a duo video, capturing moments from sunrise to sunset.


Russ and Szu-ni aimed to gain insight into the point of view of others, to witness the world as they do and to experience the anxieties that dwell within their hearts. In Pangasinan, Russ interviewed fishermen facing the challenges of Chinese patrols and losing access to their treasured fishing grounds. In the meantime, Szu-ni engaged with a multitude of peace activists, exploring and connecting with individuals committed to the pursuit of peace in the Yaeyama archipelago.

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In their initial sunset performance, Russ and Szu-ni sliced through the water with the intent to open its molecules and dissolved salts. Using a large knife, they cleaved through the waves as slicing though an invisible monster, an insurmountable boundary, a distance that could be bridged.


Both the Philippines and Taiwan share a historical connection with Japan, and in the face of rumours of war, history may repeat itself. Our open house closure presentation This heightens our motivation to expand our research and consider the potential implications from a more global standpoint.

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Charlotte Haywoodは、ダイナミックで多面的なアーティストであり、コミュニティと情熱的に関わり、さまざまな分野を探求しています。学際的なアーティスト、コラボレーター、デザイナー、ファシリテーター、挑発者として、シャーロットの作品は、表現形式としての生態系、文化植物学、物質性、色彩心理、言語、音楽への深い関心によって推進されています。

オーストラリア、ニューサウスウェールズ州北部、Bundjalung Country >

Edward Horneは、教育者、ファシリテーター、挑発者、商業美術の製作者、インパクトのある公共作品や共同作品の製作者など、さまざまな役割に秀でた多才なアーティストです。アートや社会との関わりを通して、積極的に変化を促し、知識の共有を促進する。


オーストラリア、ニューサウスウェールズ州北部、Bundjalung Country >

Szu-Ni Wen completed her puppetry diploma at HfS Ernst Busch in Berlin. Returning to Kaohsiung in 2015, she established C-turtle tactic. Currently, her primary focus lies in exploring the connections between urban development and the intertwined aspects of people, memories, imaginations, and the identity of places.


Russ and Szu-ni have been engaged in a series of collaboration since 2019.

​ MA UMI RESIDENCIESは、自己資金で運営されている非営利の国際的なアーティストと研究者のためのハブ(交流の場)です。滞在中の私たちのゲストは日本、沖縄の石垣島北部を中心に生活や仕事をし、幅広い専門性、学問分野、実践に専念しています。

MA UMI RESIDENCIESは、土地、海、および近隣のコミュニティについて収集、議論、実験する活気あるプラットフォーム(共育の場)を作ることを目的としています。


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