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At Ma Umi Residencies, Rebecca expanded her fibre experimentation with local plants, including two different types of kuzu, shell ginger, banana leaves, and washed-up coconuts. Her journey commenced with the selection of a large tree at the Pink Turtle beach from where she began collecting drifted artefacts, fauna, and flora. She arrived with the intention to craft atang, or offerings, for the island itself, for peace and our common harmony. 


Drawing inspiration from archival images and the modern practice of object dedications and arrangements, these offerings reflected the artist’s experiments in altar-making. Our garden flowers found a fitting location within a washed-up bottle from China. Fragments of a flag from American Veterans, drifted bamboo, shells and rocks, were rearrange around. Each morning, the area surrounding the tree was taken over by numerous hermit crabs and birds. 


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During this phase of Rebecca's residency, her installations and performances were kept private. She devoted time to reading poems, singing to the sea, and connecting with other souls affected by the pain, chaos, and destruction of wars. Some of these moment were documented as a photographic series by Alex Wohn, a fellow artist from Hiroshima City University. Together they aimed to craft sculptural pieces using fragments of textiles retrieved from the ocean, while also filming and documenting the ritual water immersion and storytelling process.


The conclusion of the residency received a positive response from the community, particularly those with an interest in plants and herbal medicines. Everyone participated by bringing unique fruits and herbs, and explained the various benefits of each. During this shared experience, a dynamic exchange of knowledge took place, resembling an interactive game where participants, gathered around food and drinks, had an opportunity to learn from one another.


Charlotte Haywoodは、ダイナミックで多面的なアーティストであり、コミュニティと情熱的に関わり、さまざまな分野を探求しています。学際的なアーティスト、コラボレーター、デザイナー、ファシリテーター、挑発者として、シャーロットの作品は、表現形式としての生態系、文化植物学、物質性、色彩心理、言語、音楽への深い関心によって推進されています。

オーストラリア、ニューサウスウェールズ州北部、Bundjalung Country >

Edward Horneは、教育者、ファシリテーター、挑発者、商業美術の製作者、インパクトのある公共作品や共同作品の製作者など、さまざまな役割に秀でた多才なアーティストです。アートや社会との関わりを通して、積極的に変化を促し、知識の共有を促進する。


オーストラリア、ニューサウスウェールズ州北部、Bundjalung Country >

​ MA UMI RESIDENCIESは、自己資金で運営されている非営利の国際的なアーティストと研究者のためのハブ(交流の場)です。滞在中の私たちのゲストは日本、沖縄の石垣島北部を中心に生活や仕事をし、幅広い専門性、学問分野、実践に専念しています。

MA UMI RESIDENCIESは、土地、海、および近隣のコミュニティについて収集、議論、実験する活気あるプラットフォーム(共育の場)を作ることを目的としています。


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沖縄石垣市伊原間 1-105

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